NumLabs – Trainings on computational mathematics Print

NumLabs are ready-to-use applications (“labs”) for science or engineering university departments teaching computational mathematics. The labs are available both as standalone applications (see download page) and as Java applets (see the links below). All the labs have similar graphical UI with high usability (due to ALES and ADAM frameworks) and they support computations with arbitrary precision numbers (due to ANum frameworks). The labs are intended for students’ solo trainings on the following topics:

All the labs mentioned – except the last – are designed for quick (as quick as possible) introduction to the main concepts of applied mathematics and to the relatively simple numerical methods. More complicated numerical methods (statistical data processing or advanced optimization or special functions evaluation or partial differential equation solving) can be trained with the following tools:

  • with third or forth generation programming languages (students write their own computational programs);
  • with applied domain-specific software packages (e.g. MATLAB toolboxes);
  • with other special software e.g. by special labs (written in C++ or Java) which NumLabs developers can also propose. Those labs are not free and they cover the following topics: ordinary differential equations (initial value problems and edge problems), partial differential equations (hyperbolic and parabolic).
NumLabs and other labs mentioned are now used in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. NumLabs sources are available in ALES project repository.
Last Updated on Monday, 22 February 2010 09:59