ADAM – Abstract Data Access Models Print

ADAM project consists in several interdependent Java frameworks: ADM, ADMStore, AStore, ARDB. Those frameworks contain transient (ADM) and persistent (ADMStore) data models for rapid and super-rapid applications development (so called generic object models). Such a development is always possible in research applications which are not focused on complicated data search and data analysis (they are usually focused on algorithms, visualization and so on). ADMStore framework is also efficient for various researches of data access technologies and even of different data storage approaches (plane tables of relational DB, object meta-models stored in RDB, object-oriented DB, etc.).

Abstractions of data objects, data storages, finders, etc. are based here on the concepts of named object properties – without business objects class generation (that is required in the most popular technologies like JPA, Hibernate, Spring framework). Several implementations of "generic" transient and persistent data models in ADM and ADMStore frameworks include access to compact XML files, relational databases, plain text files, etc.

Access to RDB and plain files can be also used without the approach of data objects (see AStore framework). Moreover ARDB library (a wrapper to JDBC) gives a simplified access to a relational DB (without abstractions of tables and finders introduced in AStore).

Last Updated on Friday, 01 January 2010 15:20