Dr. Alexey Evdokimov Print

Degrees: PhD in mathematics and physics (2003), Associate Professor (2008).

Job positions:

Contacts: mobile (+7916)1254171, ICQ# 122112825

Teaching experience: more than 14 courses taught in MIPT (most of them are new). Courses include Simulation Technologies, Computational Models Programming, Databases, Java Programming, Computational Mathematics, Nonlinear Computational Processes, Applied Informatics.

Some research domains of interest:

  • (since 1998) Research software development [about 10 annual research software projects performed (Java, Visual Fortran)]
  • (since 2003) New methods of solving differential and algebraic equations with uncertain (fuzzy) parameters [PhD thesis]
  • (since 2006) Educational software development [NumLabs (Java) and NumLabs2 (C++) projects]
  • (since 2007) Multi-criteria ranking and grading of alternatives (e.g. of candidates for universities and employers) with uncertainties taken into account

Some scientific publications

Curriculum Vitae

Full information in Russian

Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 January 2010 09:07